I'm a naturally happy person because I've learnt to see only the nice and positive side of what happens.
How to propagate the Virus of Happiness?
In fact, it's quite simple !
- Answer this question; "What makes, or has made you, happy?" and become a Happiness Agent
- You earn some "Points Of Presence" (POP)
- You invest your Points in the city of your choice
- You spead the Virus of Happiness around the world.
What is the virus of happiness and how it works?
About Happython
The answers of many people were printed and then exposed-pinned on clothes dryers called "Porte-Bonheurs".
These exhibitions took place in galleries, public places, post offices and finally on the web.
The idea of a Happening Record of happy moments has germinated: the Happython and the Happiness Virus have been created!
For more than 20 years, tens of thousands of people between the ages of 2 and 109 from all over the world have testified about what makes them happy.
Now it’s your turn!
What makes them or has made them happy?
I am getting divorced, my husband prefers men, my 14-year-old daughter is pregnant, I am in love with a 22- year-old man who left for Mozambique, I am jobless, I am walking on air, Life is beautiful, I am alive ! Cool, isn't it ?
Ana , 45 years old, Melun (France)
What makes me happy is when I find myself in the mountains again, simply in nature.
Manon , 36 years old, Verdun (France)My little world makes me happy… I first of all have all my pets: Loulou, Fofinha, Nina, Cleo, Cesar, Micas they are my dogs who, I can assure you, are also very happy with 3400 feet of field and two little houses… My cats: Tigrao, Faisca, Princesa who have 4 little kittens Milady, Aramis, Dartanhan, Portos… My tortoises whose names are: César and Cléopâtre…. My birds in big cage…
Silvia , 23 years old, Pombal (Portugal)What makes me happy is seeing a smile erase the wrinkles on my husband's face.
Agnès , 53 years old, Ayvelles (France)What makes me happy is telling myself that there are places where everything is simple and less heavy than this place, and that can be here if I want it to be.
Eugène , 21 years old, Dargnies (France)What makes me happy, today, is seeing a magnificent carpet of dead leaves at the foot of a tree and hearing a bird singing on the bare tree.
Jacqueline , 79 years old, Lille (France)What made me happy was to meet, totally by chance, the man who is now my husband. Thanks to fate, every day is a happy day.
Ghania , 27 years old, Alger (Algérie)What made me happy is when I was offered a chimpanzee, which was my dearest dream.
Ophélie , 21 years old, Valenciennes (France)
What makes me happy every day, it is to see black slaves'sons and daughters appointed to fairly important positions, in a country where there were schools for Whites and schools for Blacks, buses for Whites and buses for Blacks, just very few decades ago.
Alex , 43 years old, Paris (France)I'm a naturally happy person because I've learnt to see only the nice and positive side of what happens.
Mustapha , 56 years old, Oran (Algérie)
What makes me happy? My new life with the man of my life hihihi !
Catherine , 36 years old, Mons (Belgique)What made me happy was my title of European champion of table tennins in all categories and my boyfriend.
Angéline , 22 years old, Evry (France)What makes me happy is chatting with my aunt on the internet and seeing her smile thanks to the webcam.
Mélanie , 20 years old, Toulon (France)Nothing makes me happier than to create something with my own hands, to prepare some tempting meal that we can all share together later, or to sew cushions myself. There is a magic in creating, making, concocting something with ones own hands. It is a proof that our hands are just an extension of our thoughts.
Wednesday afternoon, I visit my grand mother at the old folks home. Our walk in the park brings us closer. Seeing her smile and her joy makes me happy.
Hearing someone whistle will always be for me, synonymous with happiness. Thans Papy.
Mélanie , 21 years old, Toulouse (France)What makes me happy is telling myself that there are places where everything is simple and less heavy than this place, and that can be here if I want it to be.
Eugène , 21 years old, Dargnies (France)What makes me happy is spending time with my friends, going out with them, sharing my deepest thoughts with them and feeling their trust.
Fabrice , 18 years old, Marseille (France)
I was never as happy as I was two days ago when, opening the small package my love had nervously given to me, I discovered a pair of tiny shoes. I then understood that we were going to have a baby.
Emmanuel , 29 years old, Paris (France)It's snowing. I didn't drink today (well… yeah, a little). I'm trying to answer your question… happiness ? For me this intense, deep emotion that moves me : I feel that I'm going to go away… I won't tremble anymore… live, that's all. Happiness is knowing that you can go away, happiness is the smile of someone who doesn't know that I'm an alcoholic. Happiness… is thinking that I'm normal. Happiness : being right, loyal, and honest.
Victoire , 28 years old, Paris (France)
A child's spinning top on the carpet. What a pleasure to approach it, having watched it from afar, the memories coming back of those exquisite moments where colours mingled and filled rainbow eyes. I lean over, touch the top and play with it and that simple pleasure warms my heart, it turns, turns, turns...
To be happy, I need calm and tranquillity, to be loved and love, sunshine and perfect happiness ( a little water, some fruit, my garden on my island) and peace in the world.
Marie-Émilie , 54 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)What makes me happy is getting up in the morning, stretching out on my sofa and letting the sun warms my bare feet through the window.
Bertrand , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)What makes me happy is seeing my bunny thanks to the webcam.
Jonathan , 31 years old, Bordeaux (France)What makes me happy is that I have found a bigger appartment that mine for the same price in the region where I am moving (a region where real estate is normally more expensive than in my region).
Maxime , 28 years old, Amiens (France)Surprising my brother and seeing the happiness on his face, that's enough to make me happy.
Kamila , 28 years old, Marseille (France)I found a job after a long laborious search and that made me happy.
Mariem , 23 years old, Agadir (Maroc)
What makes me happy ? A bird singing in the morning when I get up.
Thérèse , 47 years old, Charleroi (Belgique)What made me happy was to spend my birthday evening with my son and his girlfriend, and tomorrow it will be the same with my sister and her husband. Hurray for the family!
Josette , 52 years old, Saint-Nicolas (Belgique)
What makes me happy is having sponsored a little african, who comes from Burundi !
Christelle , 21 years old, Pont-Saint-Pierre (France)What made me happy is when I was offered a chimpanzee, which was my dearest dream.
Ophélie , 21 years old, Valenciennes (France)I'm a naturally happy person because I've learnt to see only the nice and positive side of what happens.
Mustapha , 56 years old, Oran (Algérie)Oh… little everyday trifles make me happy … a smile, a hand in mine…a look, a laughing child…happiness is very relative…but we must know to appreciate the little things.
Angela , 40 years old, Benidorm (Espagne)feel like the Tibetan climbing the sacred mountain ! Happiness is not the end of the path, but happiness is the very path.
Brigitte , 49 years old, Nivelles (Belgique)What made me happy was rowing with my father one night with a full moon, at 4 in the morning, in the Parana delta in Argentina.
Eugénie , 27 years old, Buenos Aires (Argentine)
Well, what made me happy lately was the surprise to be invited by my friend in a smart restaurant very close by my home where I had wanted to go for a long time but I had not enough money!
Michèle , 45 years old, Montigny-le-Tilleul (Belgique)What makes me happy is when my neighbour kindly offers me « tourtisseaux » to thank me for a small favour.
Annie , 47 years old, Paris (France)
What makes me happy is that my scientific experiments are progressing.
Amira , 26 years old, Monastir (Tunisie)A moment of happiness: the kiss from this little girl who thanked me for having cured her mommy. What made me happy yesterday was passing the evening with the man I love, dancing all night with him and showing him that his black skin and my white skin show at the same time both contrast and harmony.
Muriel , 48 years old, Blois (France)I'm happy every morning when my man snuggles up to me saying: “good morning, darling, I'm here next to you”. I shiver.
What makes me happy is seeing my girlfriend in the morning on the train tell me « until tonight, my love, » and then leave listening to Chuck Berry singing « Johnny B. Goode. »
Nicolas , 18 years old, Toulouse (France)What made me happy was to make a break in my job in order not to work any longer, to decide to care about myself and now to give priority to my happiness.
Béatrice , 51 years old, Bruxelles (Belgique)What makes me happy is the sea. When I see it or when I think about it, I am really comfortable in my own being. Oh yes, it's boring but it's the ocean blue that makes me happy.
Mina , 30 years old, Tizi Ouzou (Algérie)What makes me happy is knowing that I am loved for who I am and that fills my heart with emotion to have tears of it in my eyes ! Then I understand that life is more than magic. Thanks to life.
Petrouchka , 21 years old, Marseille (France)
What makes me happy is to please to my parents so that they are proud of me. Thank you Dad and Mum, I'm madly in love with you!!!
As far as I'm concerned, what made me happy was to meet this great guy who I really love a lot.
Lina , 30 years old, Tigzirt (Algérie)
What makes me happy is thinking of the happy future waiting for me somewhere in the universe.
Isabelle , 21 years old, Toulouse (France)Financial independance gives me a peace of heart and a certain serenity and the fact of being loved comforts me. Loving a man and receiving love makes me forget my worries and brings me pleasure.
What makes me happy is holding one of the metro's double doors, while exchanging a smile, and vice-versa.
Pierre , 68 years old, Paris (France)What makes me happy is leaving work on Friday afternoon and walking in Bordeaux for an hour savoring each minute of the beginning of my weekend !
Jean-Steeve , 23 years old, Bordeaux (France)Life is at the base. I know well that there are ups and downs, it's like that, but there's the fun and that's what makes me happy.
Cynthia , 16 years old, Saint-Jérôme (Canada)Up until now nothing that I have accomplished or created in my life is worth mentioning compared to that freedom I have acquired through the fact of doing nothing to accomplish, change or improve anything in the world, including myself

The idea of free time makes me happy. Let me explain: life is such that we are always doing something, stressed, running around, always going faster... So, to programme some free time, time to do nothing, is an idea that gives me a real sense of happiness.
What made me happy was when I could walk again for the first time after my operation, when I had been paralyzed.
Jocelyne , 40 years old, Lourches (France)
What makes me happy is finally being myself in my own eyes and in the eyes of my loved ones.
Didier , 34 years old, Paris (France)What makes me happy, a great privelege in my heart, when my little 4-year-old friend, Joey, takes my hand, taking this gesture of love from this child who moves me, but completely... I become gaga with...
Hélène , 51 years old, Shawinigan (Canada)What makes me happy is to have my family around: my parents Fouzia and Ahmed, my sisters Souad and Malek, and my brothers Hamdi and Faouzi! May God bless them all!
Amira , 26 years old, Monastir (Tunisie)What makes me happy is the surge of love that invades my heart in the most numb of her lyrics…
Clément , 20 years old, Lyon (France)What makes me happy is writing a message to Happython and knowing that one day, maybe, my testimony with help spread the virus of happiness.
Hélène , 20 years old, Toulouse (France)What makes me happy : all the young people getting involved in the life of a new family…and those babies continuing life.
Brigitte , 50 years old, Chatellerault (France)
What makes me happy is seeing my sweetie smile while reading the Happython each day.
Lilou , 21 years old, Paris (France)What makes me happy is thinking through the best moments I've lived to determine which one is the best and thus reliving them.
Kevin , 19 years old, Chatenay-Malabry (France)
My happiness has already lasted for a long time. It renews itself every morning when I go to sample a cup of tea in one of the many Parisian cafés. It's a moment of pure joy, I let myself lapse into dreams in the ambiance of the cafes, and I can no longer do without it.
Nicole , 57 years old, Paris (France)What made me happy was seeing that people haven't yet forgotten Ingrid Bettancourt and her thousand-day-detention, November 19, 2004.
Hervé , 20 years old, Paris (France)